These epitaphs appear on the gravestones in the Connecticut Farms Cemetery of the Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church. This is not a complete listing. Epitaphs that are not complete and unreadable are not present in this listing. Enjoy the devotional reflection and comfort and the occasional admonishing these writings give.
Special thanks must go to Kay Nearing, an elder of Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church, for her countless hours in the cemetery and at her computer. Kay laboriously transcribed tombstone epitaphs and citations. She spent many early morning and twilight hours on her knees reading stones. No tombstone escaped her painstaking commitment to excellence of data collection. She has combed through old cemetery files. She brought passion and an understanding of what the cemetery represents to the faith community of Connecticut Farms Church.
As a result of her work, the Church and its cemetery corporation has the most up-to-date listing of burials in the cemetery than any other time in its 275 year history.
Thanks also to John Rudert for his efforts in the restoration and preservation of the church cemetery.
John Allen Date of death: 1826 |
Let this vain world engage no more Behold the gaping tomb! It bids you feize the prefent hour: To-morrow Death may come. |
Sarah Pennington Averill Date of death: 1818 |
How short the (illegible) of human things How transfient are the Joys. The Flow'r that in the Morning springs The Evening blast destroys. |
Sarah Pennington Averill Date of death: 1819 |
How short the (illegible) of human things How transfient are the Joys. The Flow'r that in the Morning springs The Evening blast destroys. |
Elizabeth Baker Date of death: 1821 |
Ye objects of my earthly love, Improve the talents giv'n: Then Death fhall lift your fouls above And land you fafe in Heav'n. |
Josiah W. Baker Date of death: 1814 |
Thy mother weeps sweet babe for you Her tears shall oft thy grave bedew. |
Miller Baker Date of death: 1810 |
Here lies in folemn filence, & fhall lie, Until the Judgment Trump thall rend the fky, The dufty part of him, who once did fhare The fweet domeftic fmile, & friendly care. Ah, much lamented ftroke, the virtu's mourn, The tear of sorrow falls around his urn. But fighs are unavailing weep no more We truft he triumphs on the blifsful fhore. |
Peter Baker Date of death: 1823 |
Farewell my friends, who mourn & weep Over the grave wherein I sleep: Prepare for Death, for you must die And be entom'd as well as I. |
Ethan Baldwin Date of death: 1829 |
We mourn a tender Father's love; His fpirit's gone to Worlds above: His languishing head is at rest; Its fightings & achings are o'er: This quiet immovable breast, Is heav'd by affliction no more. |
John N. Baldwin Date of death: 1833 |
In faith he died in dust he lies, But faith foresees that dust shall rise: When Christ with his Almighty word Calls his dead saints to meet their Lord. |
Laetitia Alnor Baldwin Date of death: 1805 |
after a tedious and painfull illness which she bore with christian fortitude. Her trials o'er, her toilsome race is run, The christians prize, a crown of Glory won; From tongues seraphic, notes of welcome flow, That hail her soaring from a world of woe; In robes of light she joins the anjelic choir, And tunes of hymns of praise the golden lyre. |
Lewis Baldwin Date of death: 1796 |
Sudden and awful was the death That did him from this world remove He in an instant lost his breath And wing his flight to worlds unknown. |
Matthias W. Baldwin Date of death: 1850 |
In the midst of life I am in death. |
Thomas Baldwin Date of death: 1821 |
Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. Matt. xxiv.44 Let friends no more my suff'rings mourn, Nor view my relics, with concern: O cease to drop the pitying tear; I've past, beyond the reach of fear. |
Alfred Baldwine Date of death: 1818 |
Happy Infant early blest Rest in peaceful slumbers rest |
Esther Baldwine Date of death: 1816 |
This sudden death which to us all, Contains a loud and solemn call To all the friends and neighbours too Prepare to bid this world adieu. For God who governs all things for the best Was pleas'd to call her to eternal rest. |
David Ball Date of death: 1862 |
His soul rests in peace. |
Edward Ball Date of death: 1815 |
Children, come view my bed of clay, And pillows of the ground; Where your fair bodies foon muft lay, And fods fhall wrap you round. |
Sarah Beach Date of death: 1790 |
Ufeful fhe was in Life: Happy in her Death. |
Aaron Bonnell Date of death: 1793 |
I take thefe little Lambs, faid He, And lay them in my breaft; Protection they fhall find in me, In me be ever bleft. |
Phebe Bonnell Date of death: 1789 |
I take thefe little Lambs, faid He, And lay them in my breaft; Protection they fhall find in me, In me be ever bleft. |
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Jofeph Bonnell Date of death: unknown |
Who knew him living muft Lament him Dead Whofe corpse beneath this Verdant Turf is Laid Bonnel in Private Life & Publick Truft Was Wife and kind, was Generous and Juft In Vertues rigid path Unmoved he Trod To Self impartial pious To his God Religious patron & a Patriot True A General Good & private Blefsing too What Bonnel was & what his Vertues were The Refurrection day will beft declare. |
Margaret Bonnell Date of death: 1857 |
Faithful unto death. |
Susan Budd VerValen Bonnell Date of death: 1929 |
"Till we meet again." |
William H. Bonnell Date of death: 1915 |
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord |
Mary Brant Date of death: 1788 |
Dear Friends who live to mourn & weep To see this grave wherein I fleep Prepare for death for you muft die And be entom'd as well as I. |
Phebe Brant Date of death: 1799 |
Mourn not for me my friends Since God has thought it beft To take my foul to rest from here below to his eternal reft. |
John Brokaw Date of death: 1788 |
Tis God that lifts our comfort high Or finks them in the grave, He gives and blefsed be his name He takes but what he gave. |
James M. Brown Date of death: 1892 |
Nancy Brown Date of death: 1851 |
Dearest Mother, thou hast left me And my loss (illegible) But 'tis God that hath (illegible) me. He can all my sorrows heal. |
Rhoda Brown Date of death: 1835 |
In robes of Innocence and love, Her virgin soul is dressed: And all the angel hosts above Rejoice to see her blest. |
Sarah A. Brown Date of death: 1906 |
Susan C. Brown Date of death: 1890 |
Thomas Brown Date of death: 1825 |
The Lord doth know what road is beft And how to lead to peace and rest To Him I cheerful give my all Go where He leads & wait His call. |
John Burger Date of death: 1819 |
Who fell a victim to the fever that prevail'd in the fall of 1819 in the City of new York; after an illnefs of 4 days. Gently be thy reft, dear Youth Untill the Judgment day: Then rife in Innocence & Truth To Glory wing thy way. |
Edward J. Burke Date of death: 1942 |
Rest thy work is done |
Abby Burnet Date of death: 1832 |
Husband & Children, you I leave, O do not mourn, O do not grieve, But strive to gain the happy shore Where we may meet to part no more. |
Daniel Burnet Date of death: 1854 |
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. |
Hannah Burnet Date of death: 1812 |
My days are paft my work is done, I've left a world of woe; Reader your race you'll quickly run, Then be prepared to go. |
Susan W. Burnet Date of death: 1851 |
Sweet child adieu Thy pain's all o'er We'll soon meet you to part not more |
Aaron W. Burnett Date of death: 1875 |
He doeth all things well. |
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Abbie A. Brant Burnett Date of death: 1894 |
Charlotte Mooney Burnett Date of death: 1900 |
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. |
Daniel Burnett Date of death: 1873 |
Dorcas Burnett Date of death: 1815 |
Farewell dear friends, whofe tender care Has long engag'd my love; Your Fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above. |
John Burnett Date of death: 1880 |
Phebe T. Burnett Date of death: 1861 |
Anna Street Burnett Date of death: 1905 |
Carrie E. Burnett Date of death: 1926 |
Campbell Date of death: unknown |
Hannah Clark Date of death: 1789 |
In early bloom death me invades, Tranflates my body to the fhades, My glafs is run my grave you fee, Prepare for death to follow me. |
Isaac Clark Date of death: 1816 |
Farewell Dear Parents, you I leave: Brothers & Sifters, you may grieve: My dear Companions too may mourn But, Oh alas! there's no return. For now my God hath called me home And unto duft I muft return: Both young & old muft die you fee, Therefore prepare to follow me. Once I was young & gay like you: Death fuddenly his arrow threw, And ftruck me in my youthful bloom And fent me early to my tomb. |
John Clark Date of death: 1825 |
Look down upon this sacred spot and see What death can do to you as well as me. So let bosom friend your falling (illegible) Children prepare, for God that calls on (illegible And friend life must (illegible) Prepare for Death in time for God doth (illegible) |
Aaron Clark Date of death: 1819 |
Look down upon this sacred spot and see What death can do to you as well as me. So let bosom friend your falling (illegible) Children prepare, for God that calls on (illegible And friend life must (illegible) Prepare for Death in time for God doth (illegible) |
Aaron Cogswell Date of death: 1815 |
Within Death's awful gloomy fhade, A loving Hufband here is laid, A tender Father here is bound Till the laft trumpet fhakes the ground: No more for us will he provide We truft he refts at Jefus' fide. J. C. Mooney C Farms, cutter |
Abby Conger Date of death: 1816 |
My Hufband kind, I leave behind, My lofs to deplore, My Children dear, I meet above, Where we all fing Redeeming love. Go home dear friends & fhed no tears, I muft lie here 'till Chrift appears; And at his coming, hope to have A joyful rifing from the grave. |
Samuel Conger Date of death: 1819 |
Ah, thou kind husband that here lies, Enclosed in the tomb: Far above these lower skies, I trust thy soul hast found a home. Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms, 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. |
Electa Davis Date of death: 1813 |
She had many friends, was an affectionate companion, a prudent mother, & a friend to religion, & much lamented. Why do we mourn departing friends, Or fhake at death's alarms, 'Tis but the voice that Jefus fends, To call them to his arms. |
Joseph Davis Date of death: 1830 |
Blefsed are the dead that die in the Lord. |
Lydia Davis Date of death: 1830 |
There remaineth, therefore a rest to the people of God. |
Eleanor Arrowsmith Dayton Date of death: 1888 |
The Souls of the Righteous Are In the Hands Of God |
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James Wilson Dayton Date of death: 1885 |
Recuicscant in Pace |
Clara Caitlin Dayton Date of death: 1916 |
Recuicscant in Pace |
Frederick P. Doty Date of death: 1861 |
There is rest in Heaven. |
Lilian Drake Date of death: 1905 |
Elizabeth Earl Date of death: 1785 |
She died in perfect Refignation to the will of God |
Margaret Earl Date of death: 1824 |
Friendfhip & tears of forrow could not fave This once lov'd victim of an early grave: In earth's cold manfion, with her babe fhe lies Untill the trump of Judgment rends the fkies. |
Robert Earl Date of death: 1824 |
Friendfhip & tears of forrow could not fave This once lov'd victim of an early grave: In earth's cold manfion, with her babe fhe lies Untill the trump of Judgment rends the fkies. |
Robert C. Earl Date of death: 1848 |
A Husband kind, a Father dear, And faithful friend lies buried here. Then peace, dear brother, to thy hidden dust; A SAVIOR'S merits was thy only trust. Reader in haste, seek CHRIST without delay His cleansing blood will take your guilt away. |
Thomas Gardner Earl Date of death: 1876 |
Quench not the spirit. |
Edna A. Egler Date of death: 1998 |
Noah Ely Date of death: 1752 |
Sic Tranfit Gloria mundi |
Margaret Faitout Date of death: 1814 |
Alas how chang'd that lovely flow'r Which bloom'd & cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour (the last line is broken off) |
Oliver Faitout Date of death: 1813 |
Ere fin could blight, or forrow fade, Death came with friendly care; Those opening buds, to Heav'n convey'd And bade them blofsom there. |
Jotham Faitout Date of death: 1819 |
Ere fin could blight, or forrow fade, Death came with friendly care; Those opening buds, to Heav'n convey'd And bade them blofsom there. |
Aaron Faitout Date of death: 1838 |
What man is he who that liveth, and shall not see death? Psalm 89:48 GOD, my Redeemer lives And often from the skies Looks down & watches all my dust Till he shall bid it rise. |
Clark Faitout Date of death: 1881 |
At Rest |
Elizabeth R. Faitout Date of death: 1828 |
Ere fin could blight, or forrow fade, Death came with friendly care; This op'ning bud to Heav'n convey'd And bade it blofsom there. |
Phebe O. Faitout Date of death: 1823 |
Husband & Children you I leave, O do not mourn, O do not grieve, But strive to gain the happy shore Where we may meet to part no more. |
Richard L. Fox Date of death: 1868 |
Dear Wife and Friends who live to mourn & weep To see this grave wherein I sleep Prepare for death for you must die And be entom'd as well as I. |
Mary Freeman Date of death: 1827 |
Husband & Father, you I leave: My dear companion too may grieve: Brothers & Sisters, you may mourn; But, O alas! there's no return. Once, I was young & gay, like you: Death, suddenly, his arrow threw And struck me in my youthful bloom, And sent me, early, to my tomb. |
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Charlotte French Date of death: 1857 |
"We all do fade as the flower." |
Aaron Gardner Date of death: 1822 |
This stone is erected by the widow in memory of her affectionate husband. While Death difsolves my earthly ties And lays my husband low in dust To thee, my GOD, I'll breath my sighs And in thy promifes I'll trust. |
Jane Gardner Date of death: 1824 |
O'er once lov'd forms now cold & dead; The Mother cries "My hopes are fled": But JESUS fpeaks to calm her fears: "It's I! fond nature, ceafe thy tears." |
Elizabeth Gardner Date of death: 1825 |
O'er once lov'd forms now cold & dead; The Mother cries "My hopes are fled": But JESUS fpeaks to calm her fears: "It's I! fond nature, ceafe thy tears." |
Mary Garthwait Date of death: 1833 |
The bosom friend the mother kind Was call'd by heav'ns decree, To leave her earthly friends behind Till death shall set them free. |
Meeker Garthwait Date of death: 1817 |
Farewell, farewell my friends, I am going to Jesus my home, I know I'm redeem'd by his blood. For I feel the witness within; Then why should you mourn or complain Since Jesus has called me away, You know he's aright to his own, And I am resigned to his will. |
Ethel Garthwait Date of death: 1911 |
Hannah M. Goulder Date of death: 1854 |
Her sun is gone down While it was yet day. |
Maria T. Goulder Date of death: 1857 |
Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord. |
Frazee Haines Date of death: 1889 |
Phebe A. Haines Date of death: 1893 |
Anna P. Haines Date of death: 1894 |
Abigail Halsted Date of death: 1823 |
Precious, in the sight of the LORD, is the death of His saints. |
Caleb Halsted Date of death: 1827 |
"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." Rev. 14:13 |
Caleb Stockton Halsted Date of death: 1827 |
"Boast not thyself of to-morrow for thou knowest not what today may bring forth." Prov. XXVIL.1 |
Joseph Lyon Halsted Date of death: 1813 |
Peace to this infant dust the spirits flow To mingle joys with angels round the throne of Jesus soon fhall bid it rise in glorious form to meet him in the sky. |
Phebe R. Halsted Date of death: 1829 |
From adverse blasts and lowering storms Her favor'd soul he bore; And with yon bright angelic forms, She lives to die no more. |
Sarah Harrison Date of death: 1837 |
Farewell dear Parents, friends adieu My JESUS doth me call: I leave you here with GOD, until I meet you once for all. |
Emma Harrison Date of death: 1838 |
Farewell dear Parents, friends adieu My JESUS doth me call: I leave you here with GOD, until I meet you once for all. |
Abiel Hays Date of death: 1824 |
Prepare, my friends, to follow me Into a World unknown Prepare to meet our GOD & me, When Death, the summons come. |
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Davis Headley Date of death: 1832 |
Laid in the dust, he must abide Thus sleeping by his consort's side Ye living children, come and see Where both your once lov'd Parents be Then follow in the path they trod, Till you shall rest with CHRIST in GOD. |
Hannah L. Headley Date of death: 1842 |
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." Psalm cxvi.15 |
Jehanah Headley Date of death: 1812 |
Sweetly in Jefus now fhe fleeps, Unmov'd; though the Survivor weeps; Releaf'd from mortal cares and things, The fpirit on celeftial wings, Burft from its manfion here, and found Immortal joys, on heav'nly ground. Then ceafe ye mourners to complain, Prepar'd by grace you'll meet again. |
John T. Headley Date of death: 1828 |
Receive, O Earth his faded form In thy cold bosom let it lie; Safe let it rest from ev'ry ftorm Soon must it rise no more to die. |
Mary Ann Headley Date of death: 1839 |
Dear Husband, Child, and Parents too Brothers & Sister all adieu From death's embrace (illegible) Therefore, prepare to follow me. |
Mary C. Headley Date of death: 1883 |
At Rest |
Raymond Headley Date of death: 1895 |
Thy will be done. |
Samuel Headley Date of death: 1932 |
This humble mound conceals the dust of youth This filent stone records his age and doom That man, frail man, may learn this folemn truth That his Eternal all's beyond the tomb. |
Stephen Headley Date of death: 1843 |
"Surely he shall not be moved forever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance." Psalm cxii.6 |
Stewart Lyon Headley Date of death: 1913 |
Elmer Higgins Date of death: 1852 |
Behold I come quickly. |
James Higgins Date of death: 1826 |
Dear Wife and Children may deplore: The Hufband, Father is no more: No more his frugal hands provide: We trust he refts at JESUS' side. Now he in JESUS' arms doth fleep: And he's in blifs forever more: We'll dry our tears & ceafe to weep: And hope to gain the happy fhore. |
Sarah Edwards Higgins Date of death: 1874 |
May our mother's rest be ours. |
Stephen Jagger Date of death: 1849 |
family Jagger Date of death: unknown |
A son through filial duty consecrates this stone to their memory. |
Daniel Jaggers Date of death: 1852 |
Weep not for me my friends so dear I am not dead but sleeping here The debt is paid the grave you see Prepare yourself to follow me. |
Elizabeth Jaggers Date of death: 1852 |
She sleeps (illegible) Her spirit (illegible) No care, no pain nor grief Can reach the peaceful immortality. |
Caleb Jefferys Date of death: 1860 |
They Rest from their Labours. |
Julia Jefferys Date of death: 1860 |
They Rest from their Labours. |
Phebe Jennings Date of death: 1838 |
Dear widow'd Mother, you I leave Brothers & kindred here to grieve; An earthly friend, a child so dear, Beneath this stone, lies buried here. |
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Zebulon Jennings Date of death: 1833 |
Farewell my Friends, my Partner dear No more I need your tender care: My groans no more awake your ears- My midnight sigh to rouse your fears. |
Edith A. Johnson Date of death: 1900 |
our joy |
Mary A. Johnson Date of death: 1908 |
Nancy Johnson Date of death: 1829 |
Let friends no more my sufferings mourn, Nor view my relics with concern. O cease to drop the pitying tear I've got beyond the reach of (broken off) |
David M. Jones Date of death: 1834 |
Dear Wife & Children may deplore, The Hufband, Father is no more: No more his frugal hands provide: We trust he rests at JESUS' side. |
Ann Eliza Lyon Date of death: 1828 |
Sweet be thy sleep! 'tis silen't now, And undisturb'd thy bed, Nor sorrow's dream beclouds thy brow, Nor sin wakes pain'd: emotion now, (illegible) But holy quiet circles round thy head. |
Hannah Lyon Date of death: 1853 |
Prepare to meet thy God |
Henry Lyon Date of death: 1824 |
Shall man be left abandon'd in the dust, While fate, relenting, bids the flow'r revive? Shall nature's voice, to man alone unjust, Bid him, tho' doom'd to perish, hope to live? Is it for this, fair virtue oft muft ftrive With difappointment, penury, & pain? No: Heaven's immortal fpring fhall yet revive, And man's majeftic beauty bloom again. |
Henry Lyon Date of death: 1830 |
Go sainteth spirit, to thy home above; Thy toils, thy cares, thy sufferings, all are o'er; Go bathe in seas of everlasting love, And rest thee on that peaceful, happy shore. |
Johanna Lyon Date of death: 1857 |
Not here but gone to be at rest with her Saviour. |
Mary Lyon Date of death: 1822 |
(broken off) departed this life in the hope of a blefsed immortality While friends, her abfence ftill deplore (broken off)-s for themselves, they weep: though they behold her face no more in peace, her afhes fleep: (broken off)-d o'er the tomb, they lift their eyes (broken off)-is not dead! Fhe could not die. |
Grace Budd Bonnel Mason Date of death: 1943 |
Asleep in Jesus |
John Maxwell Date of death: 1828 |
Dear friends who live to mourn & weep Behold the grave in which I sleep; Prepare for death for you must die, And be entombed as well as I. |
Nancy Maxwell Date of death: 1848 |
"Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord." |
Peter Mead Date of death: 1849 |
I sometimes think his pleasant (illegible) Still on me sweetly fall; Tis tones of love I seem to hear In sadness on me call. I know that he is happy With his angel plummage on Still my heart is very desolate To think that he is gone. |
Esther Meeker Date of death: 1860 |
(First five lines broken off) For thou wert tender (illegible) and (broken off) And hast thou join'd our lovely child (broken off) Among the blest to praise redeeming (broken off) Oh pleasing thought to be (illegible) of this, That I shall meet thee, in that world of blifs. |
William J. Meeker Date of death: 1855 |
(First five lines broken off) For thou wert tender (illegible) and (broken off) And hast thou join'd our lovely child (broken off) Among the blest to praise redeeming (broken off) Oh pleasing thought to be (illegible) of this, That I shall meet thee, in that world of blifs. |
James Meeker Date of death: 1777 |
Why do we mourn departing friends Or fhake at deaths alarms Tis but the voice that Jefus Sends To call them to his arms. Cut by J. Tucker |
James Meeker Date of death: 1813 |
Our (illegible) Death p'd the tender (illegible) They had not time on earth to bloom But Bloom in heavenly light. |
Hannah Meeker Date of death: unknown |
Our (illegible) Death p'd the tender (illegible) They had not time on earth to bloom But Bloom in heavenly light. |
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Rebecca B. Meeker Date of death: 1807 |
Dear Friends no more the streams of sorrow pour But haste to join me on the heav'nly shore On harps of gold to tune immortal lays And to your God immortal anthems raise. |
Charlotte French Miller Date of death: 1906 |
He giveth his beloved sleep. |
Esther Miller Date of death: 1829 |
"There remaineth, therefore, a rest to the people of God." Hebrews IV.9 |
Martha B. Miller Date of death: 1826 |
A sad memento here you see, That from Death's grasp no age is free Here in this narrow, silent bed The Mother & her babes are laid. How short their stay! Their conflict's o'er And have they reach'd fair Canaan's fhore Blest thought! & O may all prepare To leave this world & meet them there. |
Joanna H. Miller Date of death: 1821 |
A sad memento here you see, That from Death's grasp no age is free Here in this narrow, silent bed The Mother & her babes are laid. How short their stay! Their conflict's o'er And have they reach'd fair Canaan's fhore Blest thought! & O may all prepare To leave this world & meet them there. |
Elizabeth H. Miller Date of death: 1826 |
A sad memento here you see, That from Death's grasp no age is free Here in this narrow, silent bed The Mother & her babes are laid. How short their stay! Their conflict's o'er And have they reach'd fair Canaan's fhore Blest thought! & O may all prepare To leave this world & meet them there. |
Phebe Crane Miller Date of death: 1884 |
Silas Miller Date of death: 1909 |
Abigail Mooney Date of death: 1800 |
This lovely babe yong as fhe was, has loft her breath and gone to god. |
Emma Jane Wade Mooney Date of death: 1906 |
Josephine Mooney Date of death: 1839 |
Ere fin could blight or forrow fade, Death came with friendly care This op'ning bud to Heav'n convey'd And bade it blossom there. |
Martha Mooney Date of death: 1821 |
Here lies the mortal remains of the amiable and pi MARTHA who departed this life in hopes of a glorious immo She combined the virtues of an affection- ate Daughter, a loving Wife, a tender Moth- er and a sincere Friend: Long may her virtues be cherished in re- membrance. Forgive, blest shade! The tributary tear, That mourns thy exit from a world like this Forgive the wish, that would have kept thee here And stay'd thy progrefs to a Heav'n of blifs. |
Nancy Mooney Date of death: 1827 |
(first five lines illegible) For thou wert tender (illegible) and (broken off) And hast thou joined our lovely child (broken off) Among the blest to praise redeeming love Oh pleasing thought to be afsured of this; That I shall meet thee, in that world of blifs. |
Sarah Beach Mooney Date of death: 1827 |
(first five lines illegible) For thou wert tender (illegible) and (broken off) And hast thou joined our lovely child (broken off) Among the blest to praise redeeming love Oh pleasing thought to be afsured of this; That I shall meet thee, in that world of blifs. |
Norris Mooney Date of death: 1825 |
"It is appointed unto men once to die." O man! Behold the race decay: And cast a thought on ages gone: Thy spirit, too, must wing its way To worlds, far distant & unknown. |
Efhter Mulford Date of death: 1808 |
Farewell dear friends A blefsed fubject thou of heavenly grace Thy life was upright and thy end was peace Thy warfare's o'er and in a ripen'd age, (broken off)aft thou concluded well thy pelgrimage (broken off) come ye, her dear relations clad in g (broken off)-he fmiles of Heaven afford you full r |
Mary Norris Date of death: 1788 |
Remember me as thou pafs by As thou art now, so once was I As I am now, so you muft be Prepare for Death & follow me. |
Samuel Norris Date of death: 1801 |
My friends who live to mourn & weep Behold the grave in which I sleep; Prepare for death for you must die, And be entombed as well as I. |
John Nugent Date of death: 1890 |
At Rest |
Elias Osborn Date of death: 1807 |
Lord, fince thou haft permitted Death To fully ftop our Parent's breath, Yet from repining may we keep, Since he in Christ has fell afleep. |
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Elizabeth Osborn Date of death: 1815 |
Infatiate Death! Nor tears, nor friends could save This fated victim from an early grave; Terrifick Archer, fwiftly flew thy dart, And tore her from the Idols of her heart. |
Henry Osborn Date of death: 1835 |
He was for many years ru- ling Elder of the Presbyterian Church, was exemplary as a christian, & died in full hope of a blessed immortality. |
Mary Pierson Date of death: 1855 |
O that they un- derstand this, that they would consider their latter end. |
Mary Ellen Post Date of death: 1855 |
Wife and Mother's Tomb |
Willie Post Date of death: unknown |
Wife and Mother's Tomb |
Benjamin Potter Date of death: 1822 |
To this fad fhrine the relics we commend, Of once the tender Father, Hufband, Friend: Too soon alas! Those tender ties were broke; Friends, Wife & Children felt the fatal ftroke. Yet cease fond grief, no murm'ring figh arise, GOD ftruck the blow, & He is juft and wise. |
Emily Potter Date of death: 1835 |
Farewell I leave this world of woe, Of sorrow sin and pain: If I am wash'd, in Jesus blood I shall a crown obtain. |
Jotham Potter Date of death: 1829 |
Dear Children & my weeping friends Who mourn around my tomb; Prepare to meet me in that world Where sorrows never come. |
Mary Potter Date of death: 1793 |
Farewell, dear friend, a fhort farewell Till we fhall meet again In the (broken off) grave And (broken off) |
Rebecca Potter Date of death: 1828 |
Altho our loss appears so great, And we lament our lonesome state, We trust she reigns with Christ above, Where saints all sing redeeming love. |
Rhoda Potter Date of death: 1822 |
Blefsed, are the dead, who die in the Lord. |
John Roder Date of death: 1813 |
The parents wept, alas, adieu, Upon this beauteous clod, While up to heaven the feraph flew To meet a fmiling God. |
Elizabeth J. Roll Date of death: 1884 |
Luther Roll Date of death: 1869 |
Elizabeth Ruffell Date of death: 1817 |
In hopes of future blifs content I lie Was pleaf'd to live yet not difpleaf'd to die Life had its troubles & its pleafures too (broken)nks to all-wife God for all is due. |
Emma Florence Sayre Date of death: 1906 |
Henrietta Tooker Sayre Date of death: 1839 |
William Francis Sayre Date of death: unknown |
Charles Elmer Sayre Date of death: unknown |
Phebe Catharine Sayre Date of death: 1851 |
Parents farewell, Brothers adieu Sisters no more I go with you. To hear the word of truth Seek wisdom now; live ever so That when called you may gladly go Though in the days of youth. |
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Louise Schwanke Date of death: 1892 |
HIER RUHT (above her name) (translates from German into English as "Here Rest Ruhe sanft (under the dates) (translates from German into English as "Rest In P |
Sarah Scudder Date of death: 1776 |
The Wife moft kind, A Parent dear, The Chrisftians friend Lies Buried here. |
Sarah Kate Searing Date of death: 1849 |
(First two lines, illegible) A fairy footstep from the hall That must return no more. |
Anny Shipman Date of death: 1813 |
Now done with all below the sun, She shines before the Fathers throne: Her race was swift, her rest is sweet, Her views divine, her bliss complete. |
Phebe Singleton Date of death: 1798 |
Dear friends who live to mourn & weep To fee the Grave wherein I fleep Prepare for death, for you must die And be entom'd as well as I. |
Alexander Smith Date of death: 1834 |
Here stranger, lies a Father dear, In calm and peaceful rest: His spirit freed from trials here, Resides among the blest. Lament to think, Affections link, Is severed thus in tu(broken off) Yet why lament (broken off) He died content, And Heaven is his (broken off) |
Anne Smith Date of death: 1813 |
Here, where this filent marble weeps, A friend, a wife, a mother, fleeps. Go home dear friends and fhed no tears I muft lie here 'till Chrift appears, And at his coming hope to have A joyful rising from the grave. |
Mary Smith Date of death: 1835 |
Well did she fill the charities of life, As daughter, mother, sifter, friend, & wife: On her, her Saviour's image was impress'd And ev'ry chriftian virtue warm'd her breast. Meek, humble, patient, ever kind, To ev'ry varied providence resign'd: With steadfast step the narrow path fhe trod, Then drop'd her clay to see her Saviour God. |
Caroline Mary Street Date of death: 1837 |
Who died in the peace of hope of the gospel. |
Edward Biddle Street Date of death: 1839 |
Who died in the peace of hope of the gospel. |
George Swan Date of death: 1825 |
Father & Mother Brothers Sisters mourn Stop pitying ftranger, view this (illegible) For soon like me you'll fleep beneath the ground To wake no more until the trump fhall found. |
Hur Thompfon Date of death: 1787 |
Your lofs, dear Parents is my gain Believe thefe Words are true Weep not for me, it's all in vain God ftill provides for you. |
Mofes Thompfon Date of death: 1809 |
The foul prepar'd neads not to fear, The fummons come, the faints declare: How quick the flight, how fhort the road, He clos'd his eys and faw his God. |
Thomas Thompfon Date of death: 1802 |
Long have I waited for my change My God has heard my cry: Where one doth live to fuch an age There's thoufands younger die. |
Henrietta Thompson Date of death: 1824 |
(Several lines are illegible.) The female part of the congregation have erected this MEMORIAL in the churchyard of one they loved with the hope that the (illegible) and chidren may (illegible) (Several other lines are illegible.) |
Ida Tilton Date of death: 1869 |
"For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance." Absent from the body, present with the Lord. |
Electa Townley Date of death: 1815 |
Sleep on dear babe & take your reft: GOD call'd thee home: He tho't it beft. |
Elizabeth Townley Date of death: 1821 |
Farewell my friends, who mourn & weep Over the grave, wherein I fleep: Prepare for Death! For you muft die And be entomb'd as well as I. |
Hannah Townley Date of death: 1827 |
This monument is erected by the affectionate Brothers and Sisters of the deceas'd. Here lies entombed a patient one of David's chosen She left the clay with pure delight To see her Saviour's face. Afflictions sore long time she bore Physicians aid were vain: Till her blessed God removed the (illegible) And eas'd her of the pain. |
Jane Townley Date of death: 1815 |
How fweet fhe fhone in focial life, As Daughter, Sifter, Friend & Wife; Her race was fwift, her reft is fweet, Her views divine, her blifs complete, This, this alone her husband (broken) And Joy wipes off the briney tears. |
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Mofes Townley Date of death: 1824 |
Ye pleasing scenes, adieu! Which I so long have known My friends, a long farewell to you For I must pass alone. And tho, beloved clay, Long partners of my cares In this rough path are torn away With agony and tears. |
Phebe Townley Date of death: 1834 |
Farewell dear friends don't mourn for me, For Jesus wills it so to be: I hope in heaven we all may meet To worship at Emmanuels feet. Attend the solemn call to day, Remember this to Watch and pray: To morrow it may be too late, For Death may end your mortal state. |
Sarah Townley Date of death: 1838 |
When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass that which is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory." 1st Cor. xv. 54 |
Mary Van dyne Date of death: 1846 |
Her body refts beneath this clod, From pain and toil set free: Her spirit thou hast claim'd, O God We trust it dwells with thee. |
Polly Vannefs Date of death: 1813 |
Dear friends, who live to mourn & weep To fee the grave wherein I fleep Prepare for death for you muft die And be entom'd as well as I. |
David Wade Date of death: 1779 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Rhoda Wade Date of death: 1819 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Henry Wade Date of death: 1782 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Noah Wade Date of death: 1804 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Rhoda Wade Date of death: 1791 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Susan Wade Date of death: 1794 |
Blest friends thou art from our region fled, And left thy bodys here amongst the dead. Angelic guards around thee did convey Where thou, with angels join'd forever sing Eternal praises to the Almighty King. |
Elizabeth Burnett Wade Date of death: 1900 |
James M. Wade Date of death: 1885 |
Jonas Wade Date of death: 1819 |
In all the relations of Husband, Parent, Citizen, and Friend he was kind, affectionate, faithful and justly lived beloved and died lamented. |
Margaret Wade Date of death: 1791 |
How Lov'd, how Valu'd once, avails Thee not To whom Related, or by whom Begot A heep of Duft alone remains of Thee Tis all THOU art! all ye PROUD fhall be. |
Mose Wade Date of death: 1824 |
Protect, O earth, his faded form: In thy cold bosom, let it lie: Safe let it rest from ev'ry storm: Soon may it rise, no more to die. |
Phebe Wade Date of death: 1820 |
See here! A youth, in all her flow'r and prime snatched from fond life and all the joys of time. Young friends & parents, let this instance show that there is nought, to cleave to her below. I once was young (illegible) had health, Like some of you disease & death as swift as lightning flew, and siez'd my body in my youthful bloom and dragged me to the cold & silent tomb! J. C. Mooney, cutter |
Rachel Wade Date of death: 1825 |
My Husband, Child & Friends I leave: O do not mourn your lofs nor grieve; But ftrive to gain the happy fhore, Where we may meet to part no more. |
Robert Wade Date of death: 1805 |
His benevolence to the poor, his liberality in fupporting the Gos- pel, his services to his Country have endear'd his memory and raised him a monument more lasting than stone. Watch thoughtful on the silent solemn shore of the vast ocean you must sail to so soon Put faith & works on bord & wait the wind that shortly blows you into worlds untried. J. Hand Osborn, cutter |
Thompson Wade Date of death: 1854 |
The memory of the just is blessed |
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Benjamin Watkins Date of death: 1807 |
The year rolls round and fteels away, The breath that firft it gave, whate'er we do where'er we be we're trav'lling to the grave. |
Walter G. Welch Date of death: 1813 |
Sleep dear child in Jefus' arms: And we will ever ceafe to mourn: Since thou art fafe from all alarms; We never will wifh thy return. Now he in Jefus' arms doth fleep, And he's in blifs forever more; We'll dry our tears & ceafe to weep, And hope to gain the happy fhore. JC Mooney C Farms, cutter |
Hannah West Date of death: 1821 |
This tribute of respect is erected by Aaron Shipman fen to the memory of Hannah Her long life, was active & ufeful She was refpected & belov'd, & died in the hope of the Chriftian. Reader, prepare for thine eternal ftate; Time yet is thine, but foon it is too late. |
Ann Elizabeth Williams Date of death: 1838 |
Swiftly pass a few fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live; Shall quit, like me, this vale of tears Their righteous sentence to receive. |
Nancy Williams Date of death: 1828 |
Husband & Children, Parents too, Brothers & Sisters, all adieu: From Death's embrace, no mortal's free O look to CHRIST and follow me. As you are now, so once was I In health and strength, tho' here I lie: And as I am, so must you be; Therefore prepare to follow me. |
Phebe O. Williams Date of death: 1831 |
Stop passing stranger, drop a tear A wife, mother, and friend (illegible) She's bid adieu to all that's done Beneath the (illegible) of the sun. |
Caleb Winans Date of death: 1855 |
Pass a few swiftly fleeting years And all that now in bodies live Shall quit, like me, the vale of fear Their righteous sentence to receive. |
Elizabeth Mooney Winans Date of death: 1869 |
(first line, illegible) Thy memory (illegible) Is still to us the light and love Thy children cherish here. They rest from their labours And their works do follow them. |
Jofhua Winans Date of death: 1805 |
Low in the ground keen forrow cries The hufband friend and father lies; High in the heavens bright hope rejoins The Chriftian there in glory fhines. |
Nancy Winans Date of death: 1825 |
She died in JESUS bl(illegible) dead: For so the Holy Spirit faid, And refts upon that shore. Where fhe beholds her Saviour God, And triumphs in atoning blood: Then weeps for her no more. |
Sarah Winans Date of death: 1822 |
The unremitting path she trod, That leads to happinefs & GOD: Her feventy years had run their race, Ere fhe was call'd to Heaven's embrace: The joyful fpirit left the clay Untill the refurrection day: And here, the precious treafure lies Till GOD fhall call it to the fkies. |
Benjamin Woodruff Date of death: 1822 |
Tho death desolves our earthly ties And brings our Parents down to duft To the our God we'll lift our eyes, And in thy pardning grace we'll truft. |
Betsey Woodruff Date of death: 1814 |
Husband, and child, Farewell I'm bound To Heav'nly Canaan's happy ground: I leave you with a God of love, And hope to meet you both above. Go home dear friends! wipe off your tears I must lie here till Christ appears: And then-Oh! then I hope to have A joyfull rising from the grave. Sleep on, dear wife in the cold grave, Till the last trump shall sound: Then from thy God thou shalt receive A never fading crown. Till the last hour of life her lofs I'll mourn, My tears of sorrow o'er her grave I'll shed; And may I yet on angels wings be born To live with her, when risen from the dead. |
Elizabeth Woodruff Date of death: 1918 |
Ezekiel B. Woodruff Date of death: 1895 |
Frederick Woodruff Date of death: 1927 |
Ichabod Woodruff Date of death: 1809 |
Reader, pass by, ne'er waste your time On bad biography, or bitter rhyme, For What I am, this cumbrous clay insures: And what I was, is no affair of yours. |
Josiah Woodruff Date of death: 1826 |
Once, I was young & gay like you: Death, suddenly his arrow threw And struck me in my youthful bloom, And sent me early to my tomb. |
Josiah Woodruff Date of death: 1836 |
Lord, since thou hast permitted Death, To fully stop our Parent's breath; Yet from repining may we keep, Since he in CHRIST has fell asleep. |
Lois Woodruff Date of death: 1828 |
She left this world: her toils are o'er (broken off) all sorrow grief & pain (broken off) she will return no more (broken off) fhall meet with her again. |
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Moses Woodruff Date of death: 1810 |
Parental fondnefs cou(broken off) Those lovely children (broken off) Then seek the Savior, c(broken off) Prepare to meet them in the (broken off) |
Moses B. Woodruff Date of death: 1820 |
Parental fondnefs cou(broken off) Those lovely children (broken off) Then seek the Savior, c(broken off) Prepare to meet them in the (broken off) |
Polly Woodruff Date of death: 1825 |
(broken off)ed grave, my Hufband de(broken off) (broken off)have seen me laid: (broken off)Companion, Children (broken off) round this fhade. Farewell my Mother and my Friends, To JESUS I have gone: Prepare to follow me, all, then Into a world unknown. Sleep on my dear Companion, fleep Till JESUS CHRIST fhall come To (illegible) from this mortal fleep To (illegible) Eternal home. |
Richard D. Woodruff Date of death: 1878 |
The memory of the just is blessed. |
Sarah A. Woodruff Date of death: 1904 |
Gone but not forgotten. Asleep in Jesus. |
Sarah J. Woodruff Date of death: unknown |
Gone but not forgotten |